The Ashram is finanaially operational by our visiting guests. We try to keep the price reasonable but the Ashram, but to develop, maintain and to improve the Ashram we depend on donations. Additional the Ashram is often approached by visitors that cant fully afford the asking price, to attend the program. We can only provide this when the cost are covered in different ways and therefore we are partially donation based.
Kolektivo Foodforest
This Foodforest and dam was mostly covered by Kolektivo. An organization then promotes initiatives that contribute to the welfare of Curacao.
Thimo and Bart
Thimo and Bart are contributors to the Ashram and therefore we could build a second food forest and fruittree plantation.
Thimo and Bart
Thimo and Bart are contributors to the Ashram and therefore we could build a second food forest and fruittree plantation.