
Wat can you expect at Ashram Curaçao
Step into a world of peace and rest. Make yourself at home and prepare to relax. The ashram is beautifully located in a quiet and peaceful area where relaxation is inevitable. The ashram has one wooden cabin at the moment, which is located in the garden. We offer stays for only one visitor at the time. We're building extra cabins to house more people in the near future.
The cabinds are basic, but comfortable. You can choose to stay in a single or shared double cabin, all equipped with a fan an airconditioning that will softly snooze you to sleep. Meals are on the cozy patio, which is also where we hang out for conversation or just to relax.
These surroundings are perfect to unwind and there is enough space to be alone as well. You can sit on the front porch and enjoy the Caribbean breeze or wander around in our gardens and find yourself a cozy hammock or a quiet spot where you can relax, nap, write or read.
Make yourself at home and prepare to relax. The Ashram offers the possibility to withdraw yourself for a definite or indefinite period of time and to search for your true Self. This quest is done in the form of guided conversations, Satsangs, where it is discussed how you can become enlightened from mental constructions that limit us to be able to 'be' completely. This creates space for full awakening.
In addition to that we offer Reiki treatments by Dolph. You can book a reiki session for €50. This will help a pleasant energy flow and relaxation that contributes to a free and open mind. A mind with less blockages is a healthier body experience. Reiki is acknowledging we are all energy. Mind and body are not separated. It is only a concept of the mind.
Daily routine at Ashram Curaçao
At the Ashram you take care of yourself completely. You do your own shopping and you cook yourself. This gives you space to fill in how you want to move, when and what to eat. But you are in good hands and well supervised.
We can provide a ride to the supermarket twice a week to do groceries. If the Ashram is your first destination upon arrival, we can provide a basic welcome package to bridge your first supermarket visit. The package consist of coffe, tea, bread, cheese and some fruits. Depending on arrival time we can offer a meal as well. If you choose for these packages we'll charge $25 for the basis package and $25 for the meal.
You can register with the Ashram if this process appeals to you. It is recommended to stay at least one week, but is of course not an obligation. Our experience is that you need 3 days to get used to the environment, we also mean the inner environment. No children, partner, work, social environment, etc. Your mind literally comes to rest and can open up. The next 3 days you will recognize patterns, give the new insights a place and realize what it is worth to you. After that it only gets better. You will experience true freedom.
Book your stay at Ashram Curaçao for $60 a night (3-night minimum).
You will stay in 1 or 2 person cabin. The cost is $60 per night. If you like to book a satsang, reiki or guidance session, you can during your stay. It will be an additional $100 for a session. It includes an introduction to meditation.
Ashram Main house
Dolph lives in the main house. However, only from 7am to 7pm, visitors can use the main house to access the kitchen and enjoy the porch. After 7pm visitors can enjoy their cabin.
What to bring
It's warm year-round, between 26 - 34 degrees Celsius or 79 - 93 Fahrenheit. Bring light and comfortable clothing, flip-flops, and hiking shoes. The sun rises daily on average around 6 a.m. and sets average around 7 p.m. During periods of rain, mosquitos may find you well. Please bring your own spray. We provide linnen and refresh weekly.
Reach Ashram Curaçao
The ashram is approximately a 45 min drive from the airport. It's easy to get a taxi at the airport. They're located in the designated taxi area right next to arrivals. Taxi rate from the airport to the Ashram is approx. $60
Information about taxi's. https://247taxi.cw
You can always rent a car at the airport at arrivals gate.If you would like to rent a car upfront we can recommend this rental place here.
The activities and guidance at the Ashram are an addition to your selfcare, but are not a substitute for regular care and are on your own initiative. Entering the Ashram is also at your own risk and the Ashram assumes no responsibility for loss, theft or other items of a material or mental nature. We are an environment of peace and love.
- You are the cosmos experiencing itself -